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GCN Circular 1920

GRB030227: Kiso optical upper limit
2003-03-04T09:26:51Z (22 years ago)
Yuji Urata at RIKEN <>
Y. Urata, T. Aoki on behalf of the Kiso GRB team
and H. Izumiura (OAO) report:

 We re-examine our multi-band data obtained at Kiso observatory
starting at 2.1 hour after the burst (Izumiura et al. GCN1900).  
We could not detect the optical afterglow ( S1-A ; Castro-Tirado et
al. GCN 1904, Soderberg et al. GCN 1907, Berger et al. GCN 1910,
Gorosabel et al. GCN 1915) down to limiting magnitudes estimated by
comparison with the result of field photometry by Henden (GCN1917).

Our data:
Date  Time (UT)   Band  Exposure  Limiting mag.(SN=3)
02-27 10:43-11:03 R     300s x 3  21.1  
      11:05-11:24 I     300s x 3  20.1  
      11:27-11:32 V     300s x 3  20.9  
      11:49-12:08 B     300s x 3  21.7  
      12:44-12:54 R     600s      20.6

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