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GCN Circular 19034

LIGO/Virgo GW150914
2016-02-20T19:59:19Z (9 years ago)
Adam Zadrozny at Pi of the Sky <>
A. Cwiek (NCBJ), A. F. Zarnecki (UW), A. Mankiewicz (CFT PAS), A. Zadrozny (NCBJ) on behalf of the Pi of the Sky

Pi of the Sky telescope surveyed whole sky visible from San Pedro de Atacama Observatory during each night (that weather permitted) of last days of September 2015 (26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th) and October 2015, that also included an area of GW150914 (12 days after the alert). Data was searched for slowly fading bright optical transients visible to the instrument that might be connected to GW150914. All of the objects visible to us were previously observed. Data analysis showed that it is unlikely to have an slowly fading optical transient. We have performed our observations using two cameras, both observing same field, one using R filter and second using only IR-cut filter. For each field, the telescope has made three 10 s exposures.  During Observations have limiting brightness between 11mag-11.5mag. 

This email is send in case this analysis might be useful for any future purposes.
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