TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 188 SUBJECT: GRB981226, sub-millimeter observations DATE: 99/01/02 22:29:23 GMT FROM: Ian Smith at Rice U I. A. Smith (Rice University), R. P. J. Tilanus and F. Baas (Joint Astronomy Centre) report on behalf of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) GRB collaboration: We used the SCUBA sub-millimeter continuum bolometer array on the JCMT to observe the source suggested by Castro-Tirado as being the counterpart to GRB 981226 (GCN #173: 23:29:35.0 -23:55:42 J2000). The observation, performed in mediocre weather, started UT 1998 Dec 30.15 and lasted 44 minutes. No source was detected at this location: the 850 micron flux density was 0.6 +/- 3.8 mJy. This report may be cited in publications.