GCN Circular 18420
LIGO/Virgo G184098: VLA follow-up of iPTF15cyk
2015-10-15T21:35:29Z (9 years ago)
Nipuni Palliyaguru at TTU <nipunipalliyaguru9@gmail.com>
Nipuni Palliyaguru (TTU) and Alessandra Corsi (TTU) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
We imaged the position of the iPTF transient 15cyk (Singer et al.;
RA(J2000)=7h 42m 14.87s Dec(J2000)=+20d 36' 43.4���), located in the error
region of LIGO/Virgo G184098, with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array
(VLA). The observations started on 15Oct 11:20:32 UT and were carried out
in C-band (central frequency of about 6 GHz) with the VLA in its D
configuration. Analysis is ongoing.