GCN Circular 18394
LIGO/Virgo G184098: ongoing Pan-STARRS search for optical transients
2015-10-05T15:03:34Z (9 years ago)
S. J. Smartt at Queens U Belfast <s.smartt@qub.ac.uk>
S.J. Smartt, K. W. Smith, (Queen���s University Belfast), K. Chambers,
M. Huber, E. Magnier, H. Flewelling, C. Waters, J. Tonry, A. Schultz,
N. Primak (IfA, University of Hawaii), D. Young, D. Wright
(Queen���s University Belfast), C. Stubbs (Harvard)
Following our reports of Pan-STARRS observations of the field
of LIGO/Virgo G184098, and identification/classification of transients
(GCN18362, GCN18372, also see Steele et al. GCN18371). We report
further imaging has been continuing in the localisation region of the
���LIB_skymap���, pushing east south into the higher probability regions.
Eight transients have been discovered. All are likely supernovae/AGN
which are in the field but unrelated to the GW source. A summary is
given below and a sky map is being uploaded to the GraceDB for
Name | RA (J2000) | Dec (J2000) | Disc. Date | Disc Mag | filter | z and SpType
PS15ccw | 08 57 30.60 | +04 31 56.1 | 20150917 | 19.31 | i |0.072
PS15cbm | 08 49 19.85 | +03 48 17.8 | 20150917 | 18.55 | i |0.059 Ia
PS15ccx | 08 18 03.91 | +04 18 04.2 | 20150919 | 19.42 | z |0.097 Ia
PS15cci | 09 13 22.76 | +06 10 47.3 | 20150919 | 18.32 | i |0.055 Ia
PS15ccv | 08 55 23.05 | +04 41 19.0 | 20150922 | 19.57 | i |0.071
PS15cel | 09 34 11.58 | +05 46 45.2 | 20150923 | 19.53 | i |...
PS15cej | 09 35 19.41 | +10 11 50.7 | 20151002 | 18.13 | i |0.049
PS15cek | 09 36 41.04 | +10 14 16.2 | 20151002 | 17.24 | z |0.06 AGN
The mag is the discovery AB magnitude. The reported
redshift is the spectroscopic redshift of the apparent host
galaxy from SDSS DR12 or that from the transient. P15cek
is the variable core of SDSS J093641.05+101415.9 which has an
SDSS spectrum showing AGN/QSO characteristics.
The host of PS15cel has no spectroscopic redshift reported,
but from the data in hand, appears likely to be a supernova.