TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1834 SUBJECT: Type Ic SN2003L (SN/GRB?) Radio Observations DATE: 03/01/29 03:22:54 GMT FROM: Alicia Soderberg at Caltech A. M. Soderberg, E. Berger, S. R. Kulkarni and D. A. Frail report "We have observed the type Ic SN 2003L (IAUC 8048) with the VLA on Jan 26.23 UT. We find a bright radio source at the optical position of the supernova with a flux of 1.4 mJy at 8.5 GHz. An additional epoch on Jan 28.22 UT confirms the transient nature of the radio source. SN 2003L has a radio luminosity approaching that of SN 1998bw, suggesting that the ejecta are possibly relativisitic. Such brilliant radio luminosity at early times is rare. Thus, further observations, in particular optical spectroscopy (for broad lines), optical monitoring, X-ray observations, and searches for gamma-ray emission towards the SN in archival data are highly desirable. We plan to continue monitoring the source at the VLA over the next few months." This message may be cited.