TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 18298 SUBJECT: GRB 150906B - NGC 3313 association: Constraints from Ep-Eiso and Ep-Liso Relations DATE: 15/09/12 19:47:57 GMT FROM: Binbin Zhang at UAH Fu-Wen Zhang (UNLV/GULT), Binbin Zhang (UAH) and Bing Zhang (UNLV) report: GRB 150906B was observed by Konus-Wind as a typical short, bright and spectrally hard burst with Ep=928(-95,+111) keV (Golenetskii et al. GCN 18259). It was suggested (Levan et al. GCN 18263) that it may be associated with NGC 3313 (z=0.0124, d=54 Mpc) with an offset = 130 kpc. Using the flux/fluence and spectral information of Golenetskii et al. GCN 18259, we plot GRB 150906B in the E_p-Eiso (Fig1) and E_p-Liso (Fig 2) diagrams and compare it with other short and long GRBs. We found that GRB 150906B would be a significant outlier of both relations if it had occurred at redshift = 0.01. So if the burst is indeed within the aLIGO horizon, it must be very different from most short GRBs we observe. If one believes this burst is a typical GRB, then it would have a redshift in the range of ~0.1 to 1.0. We note that Ruffini et al. (GCN 18296) reached a similar conclusion independently. Fig1: Fig2: