TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1822 SUBJECT: GRB030115, afterglow candidate DATE: 03/01/16 15:13:53 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA F. Vrba (USNO), C. Luginbuhl (USNO), A. Henden (USRA/USNO) report on behalf of the USNO GRB team: We have imaged the field of GRB030115 (Kawai et al., GCN 1816) at B and V with the NOFS 1.0m telescope on 030115 UT, at J and H with the NOFS 1.55m telescope on 030115 UT, and at H on 030116 UT (poor seeing). The B and V data only goes roughly as deep as DSS-2 due to cirrus and moonlight; the J and H datasets go significantly deeper than either DSS-2 or 2MASS. At the position of the afterglow candidate suggested by Levan et al. (GCN 1818) we confirm a fading object, visible on the 030115 UT H-band image but not on the 030116 UT H-band image. We measure the position of the counterpart on the 030115 UT image as: 11:18:32.61 +15:02:59.9 J2000 using the USNO-A2.0 reference catalog; estimated coordinate errors are +/- 200mas. These coordinates can be improved. Depending on weather, we expect to be able to calibrate this field at JHK within the next few nights. We also expect to do a shallow BVRI calibration, extending it fainter when closer to new moon.