TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1801 SUBJECT: Information about where HETE will be pointing DATE: 03/01/11 16:17:24 GMT FROM: Roland Vanderspek at MIT R. Vanderspek, on behalf of the HETE Science Team, writes: Generally, the HETE instruments' FOV is centered on the anti-solar position. However, at certain times (e.g., near full moon, when Sco X-1 is near the anti-solar point, during astrometric calibrations), the pointing direction of the HETE instruments may be offset from the anti-solar point by as much as 50 degrees. In order to facilitate pre-burst, concurrent, and immediate post-burst observations of GRBs localized by HETE, information about where HETE will be pointing is now continuously updated and available on the HETE website at this URL: http://space.mit.edu/HETE/Latest_RADec.txt The file includes estimates of the RA and dec of the center of the instruments' FOV for upcoming orbits and a few recent orbits. The file also includes the time of instrument operations for the next 8 orbits. This file can be retrieved with either of the following commands: lynx -dump -reload http://space.mit.edu/HETE/Latest_RADec.txt wget --cache=off -q -O - http://space.mit.edu/HETE/Latest_RADec.txt A mapping of the science instruments' FOV onto the celestial sphere based on the estimated current attitude of the HETE satellite can be found at http://space.mit.edu/HETE/mission_status.html#hetepointing Send questions or comments about this file to roland@space.mit.edu.