TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1767 SUBJECT: VLT spectra of GRB 021211 revisited DATE: 02/12/19 15:20:55 GMT FROM: Paul Vreeswijk at ESO Paul Vreeswijk (ESO), Ingunn Burud, Andrew Fruchter (STScI) & Andrew Levan (U. of Leicester/STScI) report for the GRACE collaboration: We have determined that the slit position used in the VLT service observations of GRB 021211, reported in GCN 1756, was 1 to 1.5 arcseconds East of the expected position due to the saturation of the offset star in the acquisition images. The position angle of the slit was zero degrees, i.e. aligned along the North-South direction, the seeing during the observations was 0.65", and the slit width was 1". Consequently, the object 1.5" to the North-East of the afterglow (see GCNs 1759, 1750, 1758, 1765), is by accident mostly contained within the slit, while the emission from the position of the afterglow is not or only partly. Therefore, the reported redshift most likely belongs to the galaxy 1.5" away from the transient, as suggested by Caldwell and colleagues (GCN 1759). Future observations are needed to prove or disprove that this galaxy is in fact the GRB host.