TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 17350 SUBJECT: GRB 150120A: possible AMI 15 GHz detection DATE: 15/01/26 10:59:48 GMT FROM: Gemma Anderson at U of Oxford G. E. Anderson, R. P. Fender, T. D. Staley (University of Oxford), A. J. van der Horst (George Washington University), A. Rowlinson (CASS) We observed the position of the possibly-short burst GRB 150120A (D�Elia et al., GCN 17310) at 15 GHz with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI-LA) starting on 2015 Jan 21.690 to 21.856 UT, corresponding to 1.6 days post-burst. On this date we possibly detected a ~4 sigma radio source with flux 0.17 +/- 0.04 mJy at the position RA(J200): 0:41:16.72 Dec(J2000): 33:59:55.4 with a positional uncertainty of ~10 arcseconds. This is ~14 arcseconds from the best XRT position quoted by Evan et al., GCN 17317. An earlier and later observation was conducted on 2015 Jan 20.475 to 20.559 UT and 2015 Jan 22.666 to 22.832 UT, corresponding to 0.4 and 2.5 days post-burst, yielding 3 sigma flux upper limits of 0.19 mJy and 0.10 mJy, respectively. Further AMI monitoring is planned. We thank the AMI staff for scheduling these observations.