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GCN Circular 17156

GRB 141121A: further VLA observations
2014-12-10T03:48:36Z (10 years ago)
Alessandra Corsi at Texas Tech U <>
A. Corsi (Texas Tech U.), S.B. Cenko (NASA-GSFC), A. Cucchiara (NASA-GSFC), 
D. A. Perley (Caltech), A. Horesh (Weizmann Institute), D. A. Frail (NRAO) report:

We imaged again the the position of GRB 141121A (Lien et al., GCN 17075) with 
the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), at a mean epoch of about 16.3 days 
after the burst. At this time, we detect the radio afterglow of GRB 141121A 
(Anderson et al., GCN 17099; van der Horst, GCN 17104; Corsi, GCN 17124), 
and estimate a preliminary flux of about 228 uJy at 6.2 GHz and 186 uJy at 14 GHz. 
The map rms is about 9 uJy at 6.2 GHz and 7 uJy at 14 GHz. 
Further observations are planned.
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