TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 16994 SUBJECT: GRB 141029A: Nanshan optical upper limit DATE: 14/10/30 19:08:31 GMT FROM: Dong Xu at DARK/NBI D. Xu (DARK/NBI), G.-J. Feng, X. Zhang, A. Esamdin, L. Ma (XAO) report: We observed the field of the three X-ray afterglow candidates (see http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_products/TILED_GRB00031/) of GRB 141029A detected by MAXI/GSC (Nakahira et al., GCN16981), using the 1m telescope located at Nanshan, Xinjiang, China. We obtained 2x300s and 1x600s R-band images, starting at 19:37 UT on 2014-10-29 (i.e., 15.09 hr after the trigger). As reported, the X-ray source 1 (S1) and source 2 (S2) have catalogued optical counterparts already, and the X-ray source 3 (S3) located at R.A. = 04:37:20.17, Dec. = -16:08:09.3 (with Error Radius=8.8������) doesn't have a catalogued optical counterpart. However, no optical source is detected at the S3 position in the Nanshan images, down to a limiting magnitude of R=20.5 mag.