TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1684 SUBJECT: GRB 021112: R-band search DATE: 02/11/12 21:50:55 GMT FROM: Andrew Levan at U.of Leicester A.J. Levan (Leicester), J.J. Kavelaars (HIA/NRC) and J.E Rhoads (STScI) report for a larger collaboration. The error box of GRB 021112 (GCN 1682) was imaged with the KPNO-4m using the Mosaic imager beginning on November 12th 06:43 UT (3.25 hours after burst). Four R-band images were obtained dithered to cover the entire HETE-2 error circle. Most of the area was covered by all four exposures, yielding a net total exposure time of 1680s. Visual comparison of the stacked image with the DSS-2 (R-band) reveals no obvious new sources. Further observations are planned.