TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1644 SUBJECT: GRB021016, optical observations DATE: 02/10/18 17:32:05 GMT FROM: Arne A. Henden at USNO/USRA D. T. Durig, E. W. Shroyer, P. P. Shukla (Cordell-Lorenz) and D. West (West Skies) report on behalf of the AAVSO International GRB network: We have observed the entire error box for GRB021016 (Hurley et al. GCN 1639; Graziani et al. GCN 1641) on two nights. Comparing against the DSS and USNO-A2.0, no new object is seen inside the error box. The FITS images are available through the AAVSO. CV indicates unfiltered (clear), V-band zeropoint; CR indicates unfiltered (clear), R-band zeropoint. UTD start exposure filt telescope lim_mag 021017 01:44 45secx32 CV 0.20m West 18.5 021017 03:18 300secx3 CR 0.30m Durig 19.5 021018 03:30 300secx3 CR 0.30m Durig 20.0