TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1643 SUBJECT: SGR1900+14: burst on October 10 2002 DATE: 02/10/17 20:46:01 GMT FROM: Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, E. Mazets, S. Golenetskii, and D. Frederiks, on behalf of the Konus-Wind GRB team, and T. Cline, on behalf of the Ulysses and Konus GRB teams, report: Ulysses and Konus observed this burst at 84276 s. As observed by Ulysses, it had a duration of ~150 ms, a 25-100 keV fluence of ~7E-7 erg/cm2, and a peak flux over 32 ms of 3E-6 erg/cm2 s. The burst triggered Ulysses, but was observed in waiting mode (~ 3 s resolution) by Konus, which had triggered on a solar flare. We have triangulated it to an annulus centered at RA, Decl= 356.131, -36.621 degrees, whose radius is 79.502 +/- 0.056 degrees. As the center line of this annulus passes within 0.049 degrees of SGR1900+14, we conclude that this event originated from that source. Only small improvements to this localization are expected. A subsequent short burst was detected by Ulysses on October 11 at 35680 s (Ulysses time). This burst has not yet been confirmed by any other spacecraft, but if it originated from SGR1900+14, its Earth-crossing time would have been around 35420 s. As of October 16, no other short events have been detected by Ulysses.