GCN Circular 16172
GRB 140413A: GROND Afterglow Confirmation
2014-04-25T12:56:00Z (11 years ago)
Alexander Kann at TLS Tautenburg <kann@tls-tautenburg.de>
C. Delvaux (MPE Garching), D. A. Kann, S. Schmidl (both TLS Tautenburg),
and J. Greiner (MPE Garching) report on behalf of the GROND team:
We re-observed the field of GRB 140413A (Swift trigger 595616; D'Elia et
al., GCN # 16098) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al.
2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m MPG telescope at La Silla
Observatory (Chile).
Further epochs were obtained at 1, 2, 3 and 5 days after the trigger. The
source detected in the XRT error circle in early observations (Varela et
al., GCN # 16099) has faded by about 3 magnitudes in the r' band,
confirming that it is the afterglow of GRB 140413A. In the later epochs we
obtain detections in g'r'i'z'J at a constant level, possibly the host
galaxy of the GRB. If it is the host galaxy, this may be indicative of a
relatively low redshift.