TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1603 SUBJECT: GRB021004: restart of optical decay DATE: 02/10/07 23:10:09 GMT FROM: Nicola Masetti at IASF,CNR,Bologna N. Masetti, G. Pizzichini (IASF/CNR, Bologna), C. Bartolini, A. Guarnieri, A. Piccioni, E. Maiorano, A. Simoncelli (Dip. Astronomia, Univ. of Bologna) and A. De Blasi (INAF - Astron. Obs. of Bologna) report: "On 2002 October 7 we have imaged the optical counterpart (Fox et al., GCN #1564) of GRB021004 (=H2380; GCN #1565) in the R band with the 1.52-m Loiano telescope (plus BFOSC) of the Astronomical Observatory of Bologna. Our 30-minutes observation, which started at 18:45 UT, was carried out under poor seeing conditions (the seeing was ~3 arcsec). Using the R-magnitude calibration of Henden et al. (GCN #1583), we find the optical afterglow of GRB021004 at R = 20.4 +- 0.1. Therefore, the decline seems to have started again after the halt remarked by Stanek et al. (GCN #1598); this is suggestive of a step-like decay behaviour similar to that displayed by GRB000301c (Masetti et al., 2000, A&A, 359, L23). This message is quotable.". [GCN OPS NOTE (07oct02): This Circular was received at 21:46 UT, but was delayed due to a change in the submittor's vetted address.]