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GCN Circular 1598

GRB021004: not fading anymore?
2002-10-07T19:43:01Z (22 years ago)
Krzysztof Z. Stanek at CfA <>
GRB021004: not fading anymore?

K. Z. Stanek, D. Bersier, J. Winn (Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics), P. Garnavich (Notre Dame) report:

R-band images of the afterglow associated with GRB 021004 (GCN 1564)
were obtained with the Fred L. Whipple Observatory 1.2m telescope on
Oct. 7 between 02:43 and 11:09 UT. The afterglow seems to have stopped
fading.  We give below our last measurement from the night of Oct. 6
and our last measurement on Oct. 7

Date   Time      R      err_R
Oct 6  11:25 UT  20.08   0.05
Oct 7  11:09 UT  20.09   0.06

This could be due to the presence of a bright host galaxy, but PSF
fitting shows no residual as would be expected from an extended
source.  Furthermore, such a bright host galaxy would be in conflict
with the upper limits of Wood-Vasey et al. (GCN 1572).

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