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GCN Circular 15702

GRB 140108A: 1.23m CAHA observations
2014-01-08T18:17:29Z (11 years ago)
Javier Gorosabel at IAA-CSIC <>
J. Gorosabel (UPV/EHU-IAA/CSIC), R. Hueso (UPV/EHU), M. Fernandez (IAA/CSIC) on behalf of a larger collaboration report:

We observed the field of GRB 140108A (Racusin et al., GCN 15699) with the 1.23m CAHA telescope. An object  with I~19 is detected at 17:55 UT coincident with the optical candidate position reported by Gorbovskoy et al.  (GCN 15701). Further observations are in progress.
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