GCN Circular 15230
GRB 130606A: Chandra observation
2013-09-17T13:12:11Z (11 years ago)
Tanmoy Laskar at Harvard U <tanmoylaskar@gmail.com>
W. Fong, T. Laskar, E. Berger, and R. Margutti (Harvard) report:
"We observed GRB 130606A (Ukwatta et al., GCN 14781) with the Chandra ACIS
instrument, starting on 2013 June 17 03:05:37 UT (10.3 days after the GRB
trigger), for a total exposure of 30 ks. We detect a point source at the
position of the Swift/XRT afterglow. Using the spectral parameters from the
Swift/XRT PC-mode spectrum (http://www.swift.ac.uk/xrt_products/00557589)
and a redshift of z=5.91 (Chornock et al. 2013, ApJ, 774, 26; Castro-Tirado
et al., GCN 14796; Lunnan et al., GCN 14798; Xu et al., GCN 14816), we find
an unabsorbed flux of (2.4 +/- 0.4)e-15 erg/(s cm^2) in the 0.3-10 keV
band. This measurement is consistent with an extrapolation of the Swift/XRT
observations and shows a continuing decline in flux with a power-law decay
slope of -1.8 +/- 0.1 between 0.1 and 10 days after the burst.
We thank Harvey Tananbaum for approving our DDT request and the CXC staff
for rapidly arranging and executing the observations."