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GCN Circular 15008

GRB 130716A: Gemini-North imaging
2013-07-17T07:43:57Z (11 years ago)
Wen-fai Fong at CFA <>
W. Fong, E. Berger and R. Chornock (Harvard) report:

"We observed the field of the short-duration GRB 130716A (Cummings et al.,
GCN 15006) with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted on the Gemini
North 8-m telescope starting on Jul 17.253 UT (19.45 hr after the burst).
We obtained ~15 min of r-band observations in 1" seeing. Calibrated to
stars in the SDSS DR9 catalog, we do not detect any optical source within
the reported XRT position to a 5-sigma limit of r>24.5 mag.

We thank the Gemini staff for their assistance with these observations."
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