GCN Circular 1489
GRB 020812 : optical afterglow candidate
2002-08-14T14:29:16Z (23 years ago)
Yuji Urata at RIKEN <urata@crab.riken.go.jp>
T. Kawabata (BAO), T. Morishita (OPU), T. Hatayama
T. Miyata, S. Nishiura, H. Mito on behalf of KISO GRB team,
Y. Urata (Titech / RIKEN), H. Yamaoka (Univ. Kyushu) report:
We have imaged the entire error box of GRB020812 (G. Ricker et al.=
GCN1468 ) with the Bisei Astronomical Observatory (BAO) 1.01 m
telescope (FOV 7.8'x5.2') with 12 nonfilter pointing observations
starting at Aug 12 14:00 UT and at Aug 13 14:30 UT.
The optical transient candidate reported by A. Pozanenko et
al. (GCN1481) was not detected at either epoch with a limit comparable
to that of the DSS2 red image, or approximately R=19 estimated by
comparison with USNO-A2.0 (U0825_18548790).
We also covered the entire error box with the KISO observatory 1.05 m
Schmidt telescope (FOV 50'x50') starting at Aug 12 15:08 UT. The OT
candidate was not detected.
Following is the summary of the observations.
Site Time (UT) Exptime Filter Limit mag.
BAO 14:20 60 s no 19
BAO 14:48 60 s no 19
KISO 15:08 900 s R 17
Further analysis is in progress.
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