GCN Circular 1472
GRB020813: Fading of Candidate OT
2002-08-13T07:40:31Z (23 years ago)
Derek Fox at CIT <derekfox@astro.caltech.edu>
Mike Gladders (Carnegie) and Pat Hall (Princeton/Catolica) report:
"We have observed the localization of GRB020813 (HETE Trigger #2262;
GCN 1471) with the Magellan Baade 6.5m telescope + TEK5 camera.
I-band images taken at 05:46 UT and 06:36 UT confirm the presence of
the transient reported by Fox, Blake & Price (GCN 1470) and
demonstrate an 0.13 mag fading of the source over this interval. A
very rough calibration to USNO-2 magnitudes puts the OT at about
I=18. More accurate photometry is underway."