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GCN Circular 1469

GRB 020812 optical observation
2002-08-12T15:27:12Z (23 years ago)
Taichi Kato at Kyoto U <>
H. Ohashi, T. Kato, T. Senda, H. Mii, K. Mizuno, Y. Yasaka (Kyoto Univ.)
report on behalf of VSNET-grb collaboration:

"We have observed the field of GRB 020812 (HETE trigger 2257) with R band
exposures using the 60-cm RC telescope at Ouda station starting at Aug. 12
11:09 UT (28 min after the burst).  We imaged the field (field size 20
arcmin) centered at the first localization (HETE #2257, Seq_Num 2)
until 13:30 UT.  We have been imaging the field centered at the second
localozation (HETE #2257, Seq_Num 3) since 13:33 UT.  Preliminary
visual inspection of the images has not revealed a new object down
to R=18.  Further analysis and observation are in progress."

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