TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1467 SUBJECT: GRB 020715, optical observations DATE: 02/08/12 12:02:08 GMT FROM: Javier Gorosabel at LAEFF-INTA, Madrid J. Gorosabel (IAA-CSIC), J.M. Castro Cer�n (ROA), A.J. Castro Tirado (IAA-CSIC), A. Guijarro (CAHA), F. Hoyo (CAHA), S. Pedraz (CAHA) and C. Wolf (Oxford Univ.), report: We have performed Ic-band observations of the central part (coverage 40%) of the GRB 020715 (GCN 1456) error box with the 2.2m Telescope of Calar Alto (+BUSCA) as follows: ======================================================== Date Seeing Exp.Time Lim.Mag. Time Since (2002 UT) (") (s) (3 sigma) GRB (days) -------------------------------------------------------- 17.945-18.007/07 1.2 5x900 24.4 2.2 18.872-18.947/07 1.0 6x900 24.7 3.1 05.864-05.931/08 1.5 6x900 24.3 21.1 -------------------------------------------------------- Marginal variability (< 0.2 mag) is detected for 3 sources. None of these objects shows flux variability consistent with a monotonic decay, as expected for an optical afterglow 2.2-21.1 days after the gamma ray event.