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GCN Circular 14320

GRB 130315A: SALT optical observations
2013-03-16T15:02:46Z (12 years ago)
Timothy Pickering at SALT <>
T. E. Pickering, P. Vaisanen, V. van Wyk report on behalf of SALT:

We have observed the field of GRB 130315A (Evans et al. GCN 14311) using the RSS imager/spectrograph at the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).  The observations began at 17:40 UT, just under 5 hours after the initial Swift trigger.  Imaging was performed using a broadband filter with a blue cutoff at 4600 A and three narrow-band filters centered at 4820 A, 6530 A, and 8175 A. The data were somewhat hampered by scattered clouds and mediocre seeing.  Comparison to a DSS2 red image finds no evidence of a new source within the error circle of the refined XRT position (3.6"; Page et al. GCN 14317).  The limiting magnitude of our best images is roughly ~0.5 mag deeper than the DSS2 image which gives a detection upper limit of r ~ 21 based on comparison with nearby stars in the GSC 2.3.  

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