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GCN Circular 14211

GRB 130215A: REM NIR observations
2013-02-15T06:38:27Z (12 years ago)
Stefano Covino at Brera Astronomical Observatory <>
S. Covino, D. Fugazza, V. d'Elia,  on behalf of the REM team report:

We imaged the field of GRB130215A (D'Elia et al., GCN 14204) with the
REM NIR camera with the J, Hand Ks filters.
Observations started at 2013/02/15 01:43:21, i.e. about 12 min after
the prompt event.
The optical counterpart detected by ROTSE-IIIb (Zheng et al., GCN
14205) was well detected and still fairly bright at H=11.6+-0.1
(preliminary calibration) at the beginning of our observations.

[GCN OPS NOTE(14may13): Per author's request, the line
"2013/02/15 01:38:40, i.e. about 7 min"
was changed to 
"2013/02/15 01:43:21, i.e. about 12 min", due to a clock error correction.]
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