TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1421 SUBJECT: GRB020531 Optical observations with TAROT DATE: 02/06/11 14:33:39 GMT FROM: Michel Boer at CESR-CNRS The mailer has formatted the previous circular in an almost un-readable way. Below the text, I hope it will be readable this time. My apologies, Michel A. Klotz, M. Boer (CESR/OMP/CNRS), and J.L. Atteia (LAT/OMP/CNRS), on behalf of the TAROT collaboration communicate: Following our first analysis (Boer et al., GCN #1408), we performed a refined analysis of the images acquired by TAROT after the alert sent by HETE for GRB 020531 (Ricker et al., GCN #1399). �Within the IPN error box we find a 3 sigma excess, elongated in the direction of the telescope aberration, at the following position: RA = 15h15m12s, DEC = -19�24�33�, with an error box of 7 arcsec, and a magnitude of 17.5. Though this possible source is close to CXOU J151514.1-192428 (source # 56 in Butler et al., GCN #1415) both sources seem different. � In addition, the exposures taken by TAROT started at 01h54m28s UT, 6s after the alert was sent by the GCN (and not 50s as mentioned in the earlier circular). � This message is citeable