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GCN Circular 14158

GRB 130131A - Faulkes Telescope North Observations
2013-01-31T16:27:53Z (12 years ago)
Francisco Virgili at Liverpool John Moores U <>
F.J. Virgili (LJMU), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), and A. Melandri 
(INAF-OAB) report:

"The 2-m Faulkes Telescope North robotically followed up GRB 130131A
(Swift trigger 547407, Grupe et al. GCN 14156) 2.88 min after the GRB 
trigger time. No optical counterpart is detected
within the XRT error circle to the following conservative limits:

Midtime from GRB    Exposure    Filter    Magnitude
       (min)                        (s)
       3.4                       3x10s         R        >19.2
       28.9                      720s          R        >20.6
       33.7                      700s          i'        >20.1

Magnitudes are calibrated with nearby USNOB-1 and SDSS stars."
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