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GCN Circular 1398

GRB 020525: Optical Observations
2002-05-28T19:01:55Z (23 years ago)
Daniel E. Reichart at U.Chicago/Astro <>
M. Nysewander, L. Johnson, D. Moschler, J. Richuso, J. Rose (U. North 
Carolina), and D. Reichart (Caltech) report:

We observed ~95% of the ~25 square arcminute error box of GRB 020525 (GCN 1395) 
with the 0.6-meter Morehead Observatory telescope beginning 2.95 days after the 
burst.  We integrated without filter for 2460 seconds under poor observing 
conditions (scattered cirrus, relatively high air mass, and a nearly full 

Visual comparison with the DSS reveals no transients down to our limiting 
magnitude, which we estimate to be V ~ 17 mag.  This is consistent with the 
deeper searches of Henden et al. (GCN 1397).
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