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GCN Circular 13964

Trigger 538084: Swift detection of XTE J1739-302
2012-11-11T09:52:24Z (12 years ago)
Hans Krimm at NASA-GSFC <>
V. D'Elia (ASDC), H. A. Krimm (CRESST/GSFC/USRA),
C. B. Markwardt (NASA/GSFC), A. Maselli (INAF-IASFPA),
P. Romano (INAF-IASFPA), B. Sbarufatti (INAF-OAB/PSU) and
T. N. Ukwatta (MSU) report on behalf of the Swift Team:

At 09:35:02 UT, the Swift Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) triggered and
located an outburst from the SFXT source XTE J1739-302 (trigger=538084).  
The BAT on-board calculated location is 
RA, Dec 264.873, -30.360 which is 
   RA(J2000) = 17h 39m 30s
   Dec(J2000) = -30d 21' 35"
with an uncertainty of 3 arcmin (radius, 90% containment, including 
systematic uncertainty). Since this was an image trigger, the light
curve shows no significant features.  The peak count rate
was ~1000 counts/sec (15-350 keV), at ~2 sec after the trigger. 

The satellite did not slew to this source because the current
observing target had a higher merit.  Thus there will be no data for
this source from the XRT or UVOT.
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