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GCN Circular 1390

GRB/XRF 020427, Radio Observations
2002-05-15T23:54:26Z (23 years ago)
Edo Berger at Caltech <>
M. H. Wieringa (ATNF), E. Berger, D. W. Fox (Caltech), and D. A. Frail
(NRAO) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

"We observed the BeppoSAX MECS error circle of GRB/XRF 020427 (GCN 1386)
at 8.7 GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) for 6.2 hours
centered on May 11.8 UT.  We detect one radio source within the MECS error
circle with a flux density of 190+/-35 microJy at (+/-0.1 arcsec):

        RA=22:09:17.73, DEC=-65:19:35.8  (J2000)

We find no counterparts to the three Chandra sources reported by D. Fox
(GCN 1387), down to a 2-sigma limit of 70 microJy."

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