TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1381 SUBJECT: The end of BSAX GRB activities DATE: 02/04/24 12:34:26 GMT FROM: Luigi Piro at IAS/CNR Frascati End of BeppoSAX mission on April 30, 2002 After exactly six years from the launch, BeppoSAX will be switched off by ASI on April 30, 2002 at 4:30 UT, following procedures internationally established for spacecraft decommission. Nothwithstanding problems recently developed with one of the on-board battery and the orbital decay due to enhanced solar activity, in the last few months the mission has continued to deliver important results, including the four recent GRB of March and April. Operations for GRB detection, localization and follow-up will continue to be carried out as usual until April 30. The re-entry should take place in between the end of this year and the beginning of the next. We thank all the GRB scientists for using BeppoSAX data, for following-up with their instruments the BeppoSAX GRB positions and for the strong support given to the extension of the mission until April 30. Luigi Piro Mission Scientist on behalf of the BeppoSAX team