GCN Circular 13495
GRB 120716A: Swift/XRT position consistent with that of the optical counterpart
2012-07-19T18:22:19Z (13 years ago)
Dong Xu at Weizmann Inst <dong.dark@gmail.com>
D. Xu (WIS) reports on behalf of a larger collaboration:
The Swift satellite observed the field of the decaying optical
transient (Cenko et al. GCN 13489; Xu et al. GCN 13490; Schady et al.
GCN 13492), which is very likely the optical afterglow of GRB 120716A
(Hurley et al., GCN 13487). Initial observation started at 12:47 UT
and ended at 13:12 UT on 2012-07-19 (i.e., a median time of 2.83 d
after the IPN trigger), and consisted of a total observing time of
1470s for Swift/XRT.
Preliminary XRT data reduction reveals a S/N~2 source at coordinates
RA(J2000) = 20:52:12.4
Dec(J2000) = +09:35:51.1
with an uncertainty of 7.7 arcsec radius, being consistent with the
position of the optical source. Currently we don't know whether the
X-ray source is decaying or not.
We thank the Swift team for carrying out a quick ToO observation.