TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1314 SUBJECT: GRB 020321: Infrared observations DATE: 02/03/28 16:09:23 GMT FROM: Evert Rol at U.Amsterdam Evert Rol (Univ. of Amsterdam), Patrick Woudt (Univ. of Cape Town), Isabel Salamanca, Lex Kaper (Univ. of Amsterdam), report on behalf of a larger collaboration: "We have observed the NFI errorbox of GRB 020321 (GCN 1281, 1842, 1285) with the 1.4m Infrared Survey Facility telescope simultaneously in J, H and K' band, at three epochs during the night of 21-22 March 2002. The log of the observations is as follows: date exptime band (days UT 2002) (seconds) March 21.79 400 J, H, K' March 21.95 400 J, H, K' March 22.13 800 J, H, K' We do not find any sources varying more than 3 sigma between the different epochs, down to 3 sigma limiting magnitudes of 19.4 (J), 19.6 (H) and 18.9 (K'). In particular, we do not find any sources in the combined images at the position of the two radio sources detected by ATCA (GCN 1308). "