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GCN Circular 13111

GRB 120326A: Liverpool Telescope observations
2012-03-26T06:50:26Z (13 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <>
C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara) reports on behalf of
the LJMU GRB group:

The 2-m Liverpool Telescope automatically observed
Swift GRB 120326A (Siegel et al. GCN Circ. 13105)
on March 26, from 01:34:07 UT, corresponding to
13.6 minutes after the BAT trigger time.
Within the XRT error circle we clearly detect the
optical afterglow (Klotz et al. GCN Circ. 13107,
13108; LaCluyze et al. GCN Circ 13109) with the
SDSS riz filters at the following position

18:15:37.13   +69:15:35.7   (J2000)

uncertainty of 0.3". We estimate the magnitude
of the afterglow as follows:

Mid time from    Exp     Filter    Magnitude
GRB (min)        (s)
14.1             3x10    r        19.1 +- 0.2
44.8             120     r        19.6 +- 0.1

Magnitudes are calibrated against nearby USNOB-1
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