TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1300 SUBJECT: GRB 020322 optical observations DATE: 02/03/23 16:23:32 GMT FROM: Jens Hjorth at U.Copenhagen J. Hjorth, on behalf of Javier Gorosabel (who is in transit) and the Danish/Spanish GRB collaboration, reports observations of the likely optical afterglow of GRB 020322 obtained with the NOT on Mar 23 2002 UT. A smoothed R-band image (6 x 900 sec) is posted at http://www.dsri.dk/~jgu/grb020322/322.R.smooth.gif By comparison with the image posted by Bloom et al. (GCN #1296) it is evident that the likely optical afterglow (object b, cf. GCN ##1294,1296,1298,1299) had faded to below R ~ 24 at the time of observations.