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GCN Circular 1282

GRB 020317 : KISO Optical Observations
2002-03-21T13:02:29Z (23 years ago)
Yuji Urata at RIKEN <>
A. Tomita(1), T.T. Takeuchi(2), S. Furukawa(1), K. Nishibata(1),
 M. Yamamoto(1)
 (1) Wakayama Univ.
 (2) Natl. Astron. Obs. Japan

 Y. Urata, S. Nishiura, Y. Nakata, T. Miyata, T. Aoki, T. Soyano,
 K. Tarusawa, H. Mito, A. Yoshida, N. Kawai, T. Tamagawa
   on behalf of the KISO GRB Team:

 We have observed the field of GRB020317 (= H1959 ) with the KISO
observatory 1.05m schmidt telescope at 2002 March 18. All images
(R-band) were taken with the 2kx2k CCD camera ( 50' x 50' field of
view). These images cover with the whole HETE-2 error circle reported
in GCN Notice (HETE Ground Analysis seq_num: 5).

Our data;
Date  Time (UT)     Exposure   Limiting mag.(R, SN=3)  seeing size
03-18 12:43 - 12:58 300sec x 3 20.8  5.0"
03-18 17:19 - 17:55 300sec x 6 18.1  7.5" (Bad weather condition)

# Limiting magnitude was estimated by comparison with
# U0975_06481732(10:23:25,+12:42:05,R(USNO)=16.1).

 We detected six point sources which are not in DSS-2 image. Two
sources were identified with minor planets using Minor Planet Checker
: Four souces are not
identified. Because of the bad weather condition, we cannot find
their time variability.

Coordinates of these sources are:

   RA(J2000) DEC(J2000) mag.(R)
1  10:24:25  +12:51:55  18.0   <= minorr planet
2  10:24:09  +12:48:33  17.3   <= minorr planet
3  10:23:10  +12:33:17  19.6
4  10:22:40  +12:32:02  18.5
5  10:22:39  +12:44:02  19.0
6  10:22:20  +12:36:55  19.1

Astrometric uncertainties are 1 aresec, and photmetric uncertainties
are 0.1 mag. for 19 mag. objects.

This message may be cited.

[GCN OPS NOTE:  This message was received 8 hours ago, but due to my mistake
in the list, it as delayed.]
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