GCN Circular 12094
GRB 110625A: Konkoly observations
2011-06-26T14:50:30Z (14 years ago)
Janos Kelemen at Konkoly Obs/Hungary <kelemen@konkoly.hu>
J. Kelemen,(Konkoly Obs.)
on behalf of the GRB OT observing program at the Konkoly Observatory.
We observed the field of GRB 110625A (trigger=456073) using the Swift-XRT
position provided by K.L. Page et al. (GCN 12088) with a 60/90 cm Schmidt
telescope located at the Mountain Station of the Konkoly Observatory. We
coadded 4 CCD images with 300 sec exposure time each. After checking the
coadded frame we did not find any OT brighter than 21.5 mag in R the band
within the XRT error circle.
The photometry based on UCAC-3 stars around the field.
Time from
the trigger magnitude Band
5829 sec 21.5 +/- 0.2 R Upper Limit!