TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1196 SUBJECT: GRB011212: Optical observations DATE: 01/12/13 11:02:19 GMT FROM: Derek Fox at CIT D.W. Fox and P.A. Price (Caltech) with S. Pravdo, E. Helin, K. Lawrence and M. Hicks (NEAT/Palomar) report on behalf of the larger Caltech-NRAO-CARA GRB collaboration: "We have observed the error box of the HETE GRB011212 (GCN #1194) with the Palomar 48-inch telescope on 2001 December 13.15 UT. Our 120s exposure covers the entire HETE + RXTE/ASM joint error box to approximately the DPOSS plate limit (r ~ 21 mag). We detect only one bright object not present on the DPOSS F-plate, which object we identify as an asteroid based on its large proper motion on comparison with an image taken 20 minutes later. No other afterglow candidates are identified within the error-circle. Further observations are planned." This message may be cited.