TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 11404 SUBJECT: Possible detection of INTEGRAL burst GRB 101112A by the EVLA DATE: 10/11/14 01:52:45 GMT FROM: Poonam Chandra at Royal Mil. College Canada "Poonam Chandra (RMC), Dale A. Frail (NRAO) and S. Bradley Cenko (Berkeley) report on behalf of a larger collaboration: We observed the INTEGRAL long burst GRB 101112A (Gotz et al. GCN 11396) with the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) in 33.56 GHz frequency on 2010 November 13 starting at 01:11:17 UT, around 3 hours after the detection of the GRB.� We have a possible detection of the radio afterglow within the� Liverpool telescope optical error circle (Guidorzi et al. GCN 11397) with a flux density of 149+/54 uJy. The peak flux position of the radio afterglow is J2000: RA 19:28:54.88, Dec 39:21:10.81. Note that this is the fastest response of a GRB alert by the EVLA which is currently in the commissioning phase. We thank the EVLA staff for scheduling our observations so promptly. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc."