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GCN Circular 11052

GRB 100805A: Liverpool Telescope afterglow observations
2010-08-05T06:08:10Z (15 years ago)
Andreja Gomboc at LT,ARI,Liverpool JMU <>
A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana), C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), D. Kopac (U. Ljubljana) 
report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

On 2010 August 05 at 04:14:32 UT the 2-m Liverpool
Telescope automatically began observing the Swift GRB 100805A
(Hoversten  et al., GCN Circ. 11047) with Ringo 2 instrument, continuing 
with multi-filter (g', r', i') observations at 6.7 min after the GRB trigger.

The LT-TRAP procedure automatically identified the optical afterglow 
at the UVOT position (Hoversten  et al., GCN Circ. 11047, Cenko, GCN Circ. 11050) 
with the following magnitudes:
T-t0 (s)	Exp. (s)		 Filter		   Mag             
400  	     10                  r'                 17.92 +- 0.07
421       	     10                  r'                 17.93 +- 0.07
726              10                  r'                 18.36 +- 0.10
3386            60                  r'                 19.79 +- 0.12
We confirm the power-law decay index of 0.8 found by P60 (Cenko, GCN Circ. 11051).

Magnitudes were calibrated from nearby USNOB1.0 R2 stars.
Observations are continuing.
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