GCN Circular 10984
GRB100725B: Faulkes Telescope North observations
2010-07-25T12:50:26Z (15 years ago)
David Bersier at Liverpool John Moores U <dfb@astro.livjm.ac.uk>
D. Bersier, Z. Cano report on behalf of a larger collaboration:
The Faulkes Telescope North located in Hawaii automatically
responded to Swift trigger 429969 (GCN 10983) 104 seconds
after trigger, in poor seeing conditions. We do not detect
any source inside the XRT error circle to the following limits:
delta_T exp time lim mag filter
1.75 min 10 sec 17.5 R
11 min 30 sec 18.0 R
17 min 60 sec 18.5 R
27 min 120 sec 18.0 i