GCN Circular 1081
SGR1900+14 burst seen by HETE: BeppoSAX data
2001-07-04T17:16:50Z (24 years ago)
Filippo Frontera at U. of Ferrara, Physics Dept <frontera@fe.infn.it>
E. Montanari, C. Guidorzi and F. Frontera, Physics Dept., University of
Ferrara, Italy; F. Calura, Astronomy Dept., University of Trieste; M.
Feroci, IAS, CNR, Rome, Italy, report:
The short burst from SGR1900+14 detected by HETE (GCN # 1078) was also
detected by the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor aboard BeppoSAX. The burst
triggered the GRBM on board logic at 03:34:07.15 UT of July 2, 2001. The
event duration was about 2 s.
The event showed significant flux only in the 40-100 keV energy band. The
total counts above the background level in this range were 400 +/- 50.
Assuming a power law spectral shape, from our data we can set a lower
limit to the photon index of 3.5. With a photon index of 4.0, the derived
fluence is (1.2+/- 0.2) x 10-6 erg cm-2 in the band from 40 to 100 keV.
Using the high time resolution data only available in the 40-700 keV band,
the peak flux obtained from 125 ms bins corresponds to (1.4 +/- 0.4)x10-6
erg cm-2 s-1.
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