GCN Circular 10589
GRB 100413A: Faulkes Telescope South observations
2010-04-14T12:39:48Z (15 years ago)
Cristiano Guidorzi at Ferrara U,Italy <guidorzi@fe.infn.it>
C. Guidorzi (U. Ferrara), R.J. Smith (Liverpool JMU),
N. Tanvir (U. Leicester), I.A. Steele, S. Kobayashi,
C.G. Mundell, D. Bersier, Z. Cano, N.R. Clay, A. Melandri,
C.J. Mottram (Liverpool JMU), A. Gomboc (U. Ljubljana)
report on behalf of a large collaboration:
On 2010 April 13 at 17:37:19 UT the 2-m Faulkes Telescope South
automatically began observing the Swift GRB 100413A
(Holland et al., GCN Circ. 10581) using the BVR, i' filters,
corresponding to 231 s after the burst trigger time.
Inside the XRT error circle (Goad et al. GCN Circ. 10584)
we do not detect any source at the following limiting
Mid time from Total Exp Filter Magnitude
trigger (min) (s)
04.52 3x10 R > 19.8
28.6 540 R > 22.2
33.2 520 i > 21.3
Magnitudes have been calibrated from nearby USNOB-1
stars, using the R2 and I magnitudes.