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GCN Circular 1041

Giant flare from SGR1900+14
2001-04-18T13:17:22Z (24 years ago)
Filippo Frontera at ITESRE CNR <>
C.Guidorzi, E.Montanari and F.Frontera, University of Ferrara, Italy;  E.
Costa, G.Gandolfi, M.Feroci and L.Piro, IAS-CNR, Roma;  L.Amati, TESRE,
CNR, Bologna; J.J.M. in 't Zand, SRON and Astronomical Institute, Utrecht,
NL; G. D'Andreta, R. Kaptein, L. Reboa, BeppoSAX Science Operation Center,
A giant flare of SGR1900+14 was detected by BeppoSAX at 7:55:12 UT of
April 18, 2001. The peak flux measured by the Gamma Ray Burst Monitor, 
after background subtraction and no dead time correction, is around 15400
c/s. The flare has an approximate duration of 40 s. The 5s pulsation is
apparent.  The Wide Field Camera #1 was switched off by rate protection at
a level of 1300 c/s before the flare peak.  A BeppoSAX TOO is in

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