TITLE: GCN CIRCULAR NUMBER: 1037 SUBJECT: GRB010412: BeppoSAX GRBM and WFC observations DATE: 01/04/13 17:49:46 GMT FROM: Lorenzo Amati at TESRE/CNR A. Paolino, BeppoSAX Scientific Operation Centre (SOC), Telespazio, Rome, R.G. Kaptein, SOC and Space Research Organisation Netherlands (SRON), Utrecht, J.J.M. in 't Zand, Astronomical Institute, Utrecht University and SRON, C. Guidorzi and F. Frontera, Phys. Dept. University of Ferrara, L. Amati, Istituto TESRE / CNR, Bologna and L. Piro, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale / CNR, report: "GRB010412 was triggered by the BeppoSAX Gamma Ray Burst Monitor (GRBM) on April 12.907280 U.T and was also detected by the Wide Field Camera (WFC) unit 1 onboard the same satellite. A preliminary analysis of the GRBM data shows a very complex, multi-pulse time profile. The duration is about 75 s and the peak count rate 1896 +/- 59 cts/s, corresponding to a 1 s peak flux of (1.71 +/- 0.06) x 10^(-6) erg/cm2/s in the 40-700 keV energy band. The WFC data show a duration of about 90 s and a peak flux of 2.3 Crab (2-28 keV). The position of the X-ray counterpart is R.A.= 19h 39m 39.0s, Decl.=+13d 37'06.6' (equinox 2000.0) with an error radius of 6', that includes uncertainties due to a non-optimum attitude control configuration. No follow-up observation with the BeppoSAX NFI was scheduled, due to an on-going other TOO." This message may be cited.