GCN Circular 10174
GRB 091117: Magellan optical observations
2009-11-19T06:06:15Z (15 years ago)
Edo Berger at Harvard <eberger@cfa.harvard.edu>
E. Berger (Harvard) and J. Mulchaey (OCIW) report:
"We obtained optical r-band observations of the BAT error circle of GRB
091117 (GCN #10171) with IMACS on the Magellan/Baade 6.5-m telescope
starting on 2009 Nov 19.06 UT. A comparison to DSS images reveals no
new sources brighter than the DSS limit of about 21 mag.
The galaxy coincident with the XRT source within the BAT error circle
(GCN #10173) has a face-on spiral morphology. We find a single apparent
point source coincident with one of the spiral arms. This object may be
the optical afterglow of GRB091117 or an unrelated bright HII region.
Additional observations are planned to determine if the source exhibits
fading behavior.
An image of the galaxy is available from: